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Top 10

Our Top 10 List of Influencers and Resources

Top 10 Business Podcasts

  1. The Changer Dream

  2. Entreleadership

  3. The Game Changer Life

  4. The Playbook

  5. Smart Passive Income

  6. Craig Groeschel Leadership

  7. Lead to Win

  8. John Maxwell Leadership

  9. Cold Call - Harvard Business School

  10. Business Wars

Top 10 Business Books

  1. Entreleadership - Dave Ramsey

  2. Traction - Gino Wickman

  3. Good to Great - Jim Collins

  4. The Fred Factor - Mark Sanborn

  5. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team            - Patrick Lencioni

  6. Bluefishing - Steve Sims

  7. Unstoppable - Dave Anderson

  8. Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss

  9. The Power of Moments - Dan Heath

  10. Start with Why - Simon Sinek

Top 10 Business Influencers

  1. John C. Maxwell

  2. Seth Godin

  3. Jack Welch

  4. Zig Ziglar

  5. Simon Sinek

  6. Jim Collins

  7. Mark Miller

  8. Stephen R. Covey

  9. Patrick Lencioni

  10. Michael Hyatt

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